Current and Upcoming
Reading the Score:
analysis as an aid to compelling creativity in performance,
modeled through Scriabin's 24 Preludes, Op. 11
Coming 2024
This project grew from my belief that the ability to read and comprehend the score of a piece — grasping the implications of its construction, context, and history — provides a key to creating a compelling, unique rendering of that piece in performance. In this project, the twenty-four preludes of Scriabin’s Op. 11 form the basis for twenty-five short lecture/demonstration videos — an introductory video, plus one for each prelude. Each lecture explore a single analytical topic that influences performance choices in a particular prelude. The needs of each prelude govern the analytical topics chosen; the majority of the topics remain within the scope of most undergraduate theory sequences and are aimed to be accessible to student performers who have not taken theory courses beyond their core requirements.
Coming Fall 2024